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Are you a Birth or Baby Business Owner looking to expand your offerings and substantially increase your income ?



Become an Accredited Training Partner

I believe that we rise by lifting others - which is why i have designed a series of professionally recognised Teacher Trainer Certificates.


These unique courses will enable you to train other people to provide Birth & Baby Classes, Consultations and Perinatal specific workshops.


Not only is this an incredible income stream, it is also the perfect way to train your team in house.


Here's how it works...


Complete our Teacher Trainer Accreditation Certification

This is completed online at your own pace via coursework, a case study and a recorded mini teaching session for each certificate you want to teach.


You submit these to me as once they are successfully completed you are officially a Wildflower Teacher Training Partner and can now advertise your first training event - you choose the fee and you can run as many as you like!



Once your students have enrolled you let me know how many training packs you'll need - these are sent via email - you can choose to print them out or forward them to your students. You will support each student to complete their coursework (which you will mark) and provide in person, practical teaching sessions. 


Student Certification

Once you are happy that your students have met all the learning outcomes, including their practical assessment you will send me a list of the certificates you require. I will forward these to your newly qualified teachers. You may choose to provide independent ongoing support and guidance to your students for as long as you like.


Your initial Teacher Trainer Certificate with one course included is £675. Once you have completed this you can buy subsequent training courses to teach for £375. You pay a certification fee of £75 for each student you train (you can include this in their training fee so it doesn't impact your earnings)


You can currently choose from:

Baby Massage Teacher Trainer Accreditation

Baby Yoga Teacher Trainer Accreditation


The following courses will be available to add shortly:

Hypnobirthing Teacher Trainer Accreditation

Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Trainer Accreditation

Postnatal Yoga Teacher Trainer Accreditation

Little Yogis Teacher Trainer Accreditation

Postnatal Massage Therapy Teacher Trainer Accreditation

Advanced Baby Yoga Teacher Trainer Accreditation

How much can i earn?

You are free to run as many training events as you like and you set the fees! After the chaos of lockdown more and more people are moving away from zoom and are in search of in person training events - so the potential is huge!


For example, the average 2 day in person  Baby Massage Teacher Training Course would cost around £400 per person - if you teach 8 people per group then that's around £2,500 after costs

Who can apply?

Before you decide whether you would like to apply to become a Wildflower Training Partner it's important that you read the following terms and conditions carefully and are sure that you can commit fully. We are proud of our ethos here at Wildflower and will only work with Training Partners who share our passion, enthusiasm, dedication and morals. You will be required to sign a copy of these Terms & Conditions before you begin your training with us.


1: You must work within the Wildflower ethos at all times -

We value diversity, inclusivity and nurturing spaces where everyone feels seen, heard and respected.

We work on a 'whole person' basis - where very aspect of everyone is welcome

We take an eco conscious approach - valuing and respecting the world around us


2: You must work in partnership with Wildflower at all times and should not:

Advertise our training as your own

Change workbooks, manuals or any aspect of the student training pack

Use course material for anything other than in partnership with Wildflower

Share training material with more than one person per £75 fee paid


3: All Certificates must be issued by Wildflower in order to be valid. This is a stipulation of our insurance to provide Training in partnership with other professionals - you must make it clear that you are working under the Wildflower Training umbrella


4: Training must be provided in person - you will not be covered to provide online training.


5: Wildflower requests that as Exclusive Training Partners you do not promote the work of other Training providers . You are of course free to train with any other provider at any time and this will not affect your Training Partnership in any way


6: Wildflower takes no responsibility for any issues that arise during your in person training or as a result of the training you provide. You are advised to follow the guidance given in your Teacher Trainer course at all times.


7: Wildflower reserve the right to terminate Partnership at any time should there be a substantiated concern regarding the conduct of your practice


8: Wildflower owns the rights to all training material at all times


9: Wildflower reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions as appropriate









ready to take the next step?


Training Partnerships are only released at set intervals each year - the good news is we are currently recruiting and would love you to join our ever growing global team of Partners


(please note: you must have at last 12 months experience as a qualified practitioner in the course you want to teach - eg: if you want to train baby massage teachers then you must have been a qualified baby massage teacher for at least a year. Your qualification must be via a reputable training provider)




Ready to start your Teacher Trainer Accreditation today ?


Sign up below and get in touch to let me know which course you'll be teaching first and we'll get the ball rolling!



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