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Women have held space for other women during labour and birth since the beginning of time, way before the medicalised system created a conveyer belt for birth, where women are all too often treated like machinery.

We haven't forgotten how to birth our babies - we have been forced into disconnecting from the power it holds.


Wildflower Birth Doulas are supporting women to reconnect and feel empowered during this incredible rite of passage. How we feel during birth has a direct impact on our lives forever more. Far too often women are left feeling powerless, unheard and vulnerable - it's time to challenge this.


Our Doulas are guiding women gently during this journey, reminding them of the wisdom that their body holds and using practical, evidence based information to support genuinely informed decision making without judgment.







  •  The history of authentic midwifery: How and why birth was taken away from mothers and put into the hands of the patriarchy and the modern medical model


  •  The science of physiological birth : Reconnecting to our innate power to birth without unwanted intervention. This includes birth anatomy and physiology and a deep exploration of the role of hormones. We also explore active birth positions and the use of rebozo


  •  Informed consent and human rights in child birth Understanding ALL of the choices available, why intervention is 'offered' and the statistics surrounding its efficacy & ethicality.


  •  Holding Space & Creating Birth Spaces: Doulas are not there to lead! Understanding how to provide nuanced, nurturing support and create a nest for labour, birth and the newborn bubble. This module also includes what you may need to take with you/provide


  •  Birth and Fertility Trauma: Recognising and honouring the impact that previous birth or baby loss experiences may have had. Understanding how to provide the best possible support for these mothers


  •  Spiritual Midwifery: The power of the breath, visualisation and the senses - includes nurturing touch for birth partners, wild remedies, nourishing recipes and teas, aromatherapy for labour & birth and honouring the placenta


  •  Dealing with loss during pregnancy & birth: Honouring the process through 1:1 ceremony and support


  •  Birth Keeping: Professional Practice for Birth Doulas





How does the Training work?


You will have access to the course material via our online Training Portal. The workbooks for each module can be accessed online or printed. You will be asked to complete coursework, case studies and reflective practice accounts.



You will also be invited to attend my Gypsy Inclusive Birth keeping Workshop for free









What will i be qualified to do?


Provide 1:1 Extensive Doula support before and during labour and birth and the period directly after birth

Facilitate inclusive workshops for couples

Facilitate Specialist Workshops such as:

Active Positions for Birth

Aromatherapy for Labour & Birth

Birth Choices - including Free Birth & Home birth

Nurturing Touch for Birth Partners


Wildflower Birth Doula Training

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