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Support parents to understand the importance of connection and responsive parenting alongside  the need to regulate their own nervous system in order to  become  a calm space for their children.


This training includes Breathe and Heal Breathwork Facilitation Training and Peaceful Parenting Retreat and Sharing Circle Facilitation Training - because our little ones need us to be coming from a place of abundance not depletion


You will also be able to run an extensive range of classes and workshops, including:


A  five week term of Baby Massage 


A five week term of Baby Yoga and Developmental Play


A five week term of Baby Gym - natural development for cruisers, crawlers and wobbly walkers!


A five week term of Little Yogis (yoga for ages 2-8years) 


Breathe and Heal Classes and Workshops - nervous system regulation for parents 

Facilitate Connected Parenting Workshops and private consultations


Run 'Peaceful Parenting' Retreats and Sharing Circles


Upon qualifying you receive your unique Connected Parenting Coach Number and Logo!



The Connected Parenting Coach Diploma includes:



Module One  - Welcome Pack


Meet the Founder


What makes Wildflower so unique- learn about our Ethos


Policies and Procedures (the boring but necessary bit!)


Course Structure and learning goals - plan your study


How to complete and submit your coursework and case study


Welcome to the practitioner community - getting to know your peers





Module Two- The Connected Parenting Coach Foundation Program


Creating Diverse, inclusive, safe spaces


Professional Practice - understanding your professional boundaries and limitations


FREE Nature Nurtures Mumma Walk & Talk Training





Module Three - Breathe and Heal Breathwork Facilitation 

  •  Anatomy & Physiology of the Breath & Breathwork Practice 1: Meet your Breath

  • : The vagus Nerve & Central Nervous system & Breathwork Practice 2: Breathwork to Ground and feel present in your body
  • Creating Breathwork Spaces & Breathworth Practice 3: Breathwork to Soothe & Regulate
  • Trauma Informed Practice & Breathwork Practice 4: Breathwork for Emotional Release
  • Case Study
  • Workbook
  • Breathwork Play List
  • Practical Breathwork Session Recording




Module four - Baby Massage Teacher Training


Baby massage is not only an incredible bonding process, supporting maternal and infant mental health, it also empowers parents to recognise their babies cues and feel able to respond with a natural, hands on approach to aiding common baby ailments such as colic, constipation, congestion, trapped wind and teething whilst supporting baby's natural development by toning and strengthening the muscles needed to roll, sit and crawl.


This course explores the history of baby massage, the benefits and contra-indications and the implications on all the systems of the body. A full body massage routine is included, alongside routines to:

Aid colic, trapped wind and constipation

Soothe calm and settle

Support sleep

Alleviate teething pain

Encourage tummy time

Improve overall muscle tone

Support Proprioceptive & Vestibular input

Encourage bonding & the release of oxytocin

Support early communication


Video tutorials for each routine are provided and clearly split into 5 weekly sessions, to make the process of running your classes simple! There are detailed class plans and additional specialist workshop ideas to extend your practice and you receive a FREE pdf ebook to gift to parents - a ready made term of classes!





Module Five- Baby Yoga


Our Accredited Baby Yoga &  Developmental play practitioners are specialists in supporting genuinely baby led play and brain body integration by providing safe, engaging environments and developmentally appropriate activities. In this course we explore cognitive, language, socio-emotional and physical development from 16 weeks until crawling.


We explore how secure attachment and the opportunity to move and explore freely forms the basis of learning and healthy holistic wellbeing and development and how we can use gentle stretches, songs and interaction to support development at this age.


Our Four key themes are:

-Free movement, balance and brain body integration

-Rhythm and early communication

-Sensory Integration- age appropriate sensory play ideas

-Tummy Time as a play position



Module six - Little Buds Baby Gym


Babies on the move require something totally new and exciting, something that challenges their new found physical ability whilst supporting them to cognitively process what's going on around them. They're no longer tiny babies but still lack the confidence and refined skills of a toddler and need that close reassurance from their parent.


Our Little Buds Training follows on from Seedlings sensory stretch and sing and supports our practitioners to provide safe, age appropriate environments and activities that support brain, body and sensory integration, through movement, songs, sensory play and healthy attachment.



Module Seven - Babywearing and Cloth Nappy Consultancy





Module Eight - Connected Parenting Coaching Workshops and 1:1 Consultations  - Facilitate Connected Parenting Workshops and private consultations covering:

Birth to Earth Newborn Care

Fourth Trimester wellbeing

Natural Weaning

Fussy Eaters

Gentle Sleep

Terrific Twos

Child Led Potty Training

Colic and Reflux the natural Way

Teething the natural way



Module Nine- Peaceful Prenting Retreats & Sharing Circles - Run an eight week term of classes (includes a full plan for the entire term, with handouts and play lists)


Module Ten - The Connected Parenting Coach Business Program

Get out of your own way and shine your light!

Navigating Social Media (templates to use)

Marketing made easy - a simple formula that really works!

Polices, Terms & Conditions & Booking Forms (all included for your use)

How to Risk Assess your classes and retreats

The Key to creating a sustainable business

Keeping Accounts & understanding HMRC rules

Data Protection and Confidentiality - how to store/dispose of information safely both in paper form and online



Resource Library

An ever growing group library of useful links, books , research papers, business updates, class ideas and new routines!



Connected Parenting Coach Forum

A private space to connect with other Connected Parenting Coaches, share ideas, seek support and celebrate one another


Connected Parenting Mentor

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