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The Postnatal Period should be a time to honour the miracle of new life. It should be centred around recovery on a deep, cellular, spiritual level. This rest gently supports our transcendence into Matrescence and provides us with a powerful foundation.


We cannot mother from a place of depletion


We cannot give on every level when we are running on empty


Our body physically needs to rest


Our mind needs time to process the birth experience


Our spirit needs time to recognise it's new role


Postnatal Recovery cannot be rushed. It's not about matching outfits, a tidy house for the millions of long lost relatives who want to hold your baby or getting back into your pre pregnancy clothes.


Postnatal Recovery is about creating a bubble, a nest where mum and baby can gently become attuned with their new rhythm. It's about feeling empowered to plan this time in the same way birth is often planned. It's about knowing it's ok to ask for help - we were never meant to do any of this alone.







  •  Physical Wellness: physical postnatal recovery, the forgotten art of rest and what to expect during the early days at home for both mother and baby - Birth to Earth


  •  Postnatal Recovery from around the world: Honouring & incorporating worldwide cultural perspectives on postpartum recovery


  •  Nourishing Postnatal Nutrition: Providing recipes, meals, teas and snacks that nourish and comfort the body and soul


  •  Maternal Mental Health: Understanding and recognising common perinatal mental health issues


  •  Birth Trauma: An exploration of Birth Trauma, its causes , how we can recognise it in the mothers we care for and where to refer to for support beyond our scope of practice



  •  Birth Debrief: Using the Roots Methodology to guide woman through the process of unravelling their birth experience


  •  Spiritual Midwifery: Motherhood as a rite of passage, postpartum womb health and healing, rebozo as a tool for honouring the womb


  •  Connecting to the Village: Why are so many new mothers lonely? How can we hold space for mothers to connect to themselves in their new role, to their baby and to other women as a support network


  •  Mother Keeping: Professional Practice for Postnatal Doulas








How does the Training work?


You will have access to the course material via our online Training Portal. The workbooks for each module can be accessed online or printed. You will be asked to complete coursework, case studies and reflective practice accounts.



You will also be invited to attend my Gypsy Inclusive Birth keeping Workshop for free



You have lifetime access to all material. There is no completion date








What will i be qualified to do?


Provide 1:1 Doula support and private Consultations


Facilitate inclusive workshops for couples


Facilitate Specialist Workshops such as:

'Birth to Earth Newborn Care'

'Postnatal Nutrition to nourish the body & soul'

'Planning for Holistic Postnatal Recovery'


Wildflower Postnatal Doula Training

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